Margot Townsend Feldenkrais

About Feldenkrais

Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement (ATM) classes embody  the principals of self-awareness and learning to improve mobility and enhance functioning  in movement.  With the Feldenkrais method of gentle, guided lessons, we will explore ways to improve flexibility, balance, posture, and coordination as well  as rediscover the ability to be graceful and efficient in everyday movement. The Feldenkrais method helps individuals who experience chronic or acute pain to release ingrained, limiting and other often painful habits of movement and perception.  It is also helpful for healthy individuals who wish to improve their self-awareness and movement abilities.

Services Provided

Awareness Through Movement

These are group classes, done usually while lying on a padded floor, comfortably clothed.  I will verbally guide you through a series of gentle movements designed to reduce extraneous muscular tension while enabling you to recover or discover your own natural grace, precision, and power. Your wish for greater ease and your attention is all that is required.

Functional Integration

In these private individual sessions , you will be lying down comfortably clothed on a low, padded table. Through  gentle,  supportive, and precise hands-on  movements  I will help you regain flexibility, coordination, and freedom in movement.  These lessons are custom-tailored to your individual physical  structure, needs,  personality, lifestyle, and wishes.

Margot Townsend

I am a Feldenkrais Guild certified Feldenkrais Practitioner with 16 years of experience teaching group classes and  working  privately  with individuals.  Previously was the Supervisor of the Pulmonary Laboratory at Beth Israel Hospital in New York City for 12 years. It makes me feel  good to help you to feel good.

Contact Margot

Please send me a message I am located in New York City, on the Upper West Side. Looking forward to working with you.